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The Best Medicine in Ayurveda: Ashwagandha for Fertility, Thyroid, and Blood Pressure Issues

The Best Medicine in Ayurveda: Ashwagandha for Fertility, Thyroid, and Blood Pressure Issues

Ashwagandha is considered one of the best medicinal herbs. Consuming Ashwagandha powder with milk provides numerous benefits. Regular intake of Ashwagandha contributes to increased weight and strength. Due to its unique properties, it is often included in medications for various ailments caused by imbalances in the Vata dosha. Ashwagandha is beneficial for both men and women in enhancing sexual power. It is particularly effective in improving sperm count in men and regulating irregular menstrual cycles in women. Additionally, it proves to be highly effective in respiratory disorders.

Consuming Ashwagandha powder with milk is beneficial for both men and women health.

Dosage Guidelines:

Consume 1 to 3 grams of Ashwagandha powder daily. Avoid excessive consumption, and it is advisable to consult a professional to determine the appropriate dosage based on factors such as the type of illness, the patient’s condition, nature, and seasonal variations.

Ashwagandha can also be consumed in the form of green tea or by preparing a decoction. It is essential to determine the appropriate dosage based on factors like the type of illness, the patient’s condition, nature, and seasonal variations before starting Ashwagandha consumption.

Excessive consumption of Ashwagandha may increase heat, mucus, or weight, so it is crucial to use it judiciously.


Mix a small amount of Ashwagandha powder with tea and consume it regularly to help control thyroid-related issues and reduce the associated risks.

Weight Gain

Mix 1-3 grams of Ashwagandha powder in a glass of milk and consume it. This helps in gaining energy and naturally increases body weight.


Regular consumption of Ashwagandha enhances fertility and increases sperm count. Due to its medicinal properties, Ashwagandha is considered a panacea in Ayurveda. Consuming it with hot milk is also very beneficial in increasing the sperm count and the quality of sperm.


Ashwagandha consumption helps overcome weakness and provides relief from fatigue and laziness. “Ashwagandha” is the Sanskrit word for “smell of the horse” which refers to both the herb’s scent and its potential ability to increase strength.

Blood Pressure

Ashwagandha contributes to maintaining proper blood circulation, providing relief in cases of hypertension.

Joint Pain

Consuming Ashwagandha helps alleviate arthritis and joint pain. Ashwagandha can act as a pain reliever, preventing pain from traveling along the central nervous system. It also has some anti-inflammatory properties. For this reason, some research has shown it to be effective in treating forms of arthritis, including rheumatoid arthritis.


Ashwagandha has digestive properties, aiding in maintaining a healthy digestive system and preventing constipation, gas, and acidity.


Regular consumption of Ashwagandha can be beneficial for those suffering from insomnia. Studies show it can help treat insomnia and increase alertness upon waking up. An 8-week study published in 2021 with 80 participants explored how ashwagandha root extract affected sleep in both individuals with and without insomnia. Notably, it led to significant improvements in sleep, especially for people with insomnia.


Ashwagandha increases hemoglobin levels, helping in overcoming anemia. If you have symptoms like rough, dry skin and cracking of joints, pale or emaciated, suffer short breathlessness issues, constipation, and black stools, it can be Vata-type anemia. Ashwagandha with warm milk works fine for Vata-type anemia


Regular intake of Ashwagandha helps control blood sugar levels and is beneficial for diabetes management.


Ashwagandha helps keep the brain active and proves effective in managing stress. Researchers have seen impressive results in the effectiveness of ashwagandha. In a study published in the Indian Journal of Psychological Medicine (3), participants given ashwagandha reported lower stress and anxiety levels and higher overall well-being.

Note: Consultation with a healthcare professional is recommended before starting Ashwagandha consumption to determine the appropriate dosage and ensure it suits individual health conditions.

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